... that dancers are disproving every day, is that heels HAVE to hurt and it’s just walking (all about balance, practice and strength).
The truth is, what hurts your feet and body is not so much the shape of the shoe, what makes your walk look awkward to everyone around you (even when you think you’re killing it) is not the lack of practice or coordination
– is HOW you taught yourself to walk in them!
This is what pro dancers learn about heels in their training that allows them to dance, spin and jump in heels for hours everyday for decades without injuring themselves while self-taught women cringe with every step.
Surely, bad quality shoes and wrong fit will be uncomfortable. That’s a given.
For example, if you were to start doing squats with weights on your shoulders without any knowledge about proper form, correct muscles to engage and movement technique – you WILL hurt and injure yourself. (Would you think that squats are evil and give up or get more comfortable shoes/yoga pants?)
You might think, “Sarah, is it THAT bad in heels?”
By moving your head forward just 1 inch you increase the pressure on your neck by a WHOPPING 12 pounds! (by 42 (!) if you do 3). In heels it’s even more impactful because of the slim and high heel. It’s a game of centimeters.
Every self-taught woman who came to my class – had her body completely misaligned, compressing her joints, stressing wrong muscles and pinching nerves – creating a ripple effect of pain across the whole body in areas that don’t even seem related to walking in heels (like neck or lower back).
So, when every step YOU take, you’re jamming all that multiplied weight of your entire body against your poor feet – of course you’re going to be in pain!
You can try a more comfortable pair of shoes – but in a few minutes you’re back in pain land.
You can try to practice more and get used to it – that will engrave those bad habits and inevitably injure you.
You can just quit on heels and avoid wearing them – but then you’re missing out on THE sexiest thing a woman can wear that will elevate your style, regain your confidence and make you feel more feminine.
And it’s rather easy to fix (you don’t need 10,000 h of training) – you can transform your walk in just 30 min in per week (less than an episode of Bridgerton)